I don't know why I expected more from G7+ last weekend. To be sure, I hoped for better than: “The Federal Reserve led an unprecedented push by central banks to flood the financial system with dollars, backing up government efforts to restore confidence and helping to drive down money-market rates."
Really, people... inventing money to throw at this mess makes Reagan-era trickle-down Voodoo economics look avant-garde... even smart. No one knows how much we owe now. Nobody has the guts to but it down in black and white. I'm a prick that way, and not even I have the stomach for it.
Captain, she's gonna blow!
We might profit by gleaning some wisdom from Austrian School Economist Ludwig von Mises' The Theory of Money and Credit:

"Credit expansion is the governments’ foremost tool in their struggle against the market economy. In their hands it is the magic wand designed to conjure away the scarcity of capital goods, to lower the rate of interest or to abolish it altogether, to finance lavish government spending, to expropriate the capitalists, to contrive everlasting booms, and to make everybody prosperous."
"If the credit expansion is not stopped in time, the boom turns into the crack-up boom; the flight into real values begins, and the whole monetary system founders."
"The essence of a credit-expansion boom is not overinvestment, but investment in wrong lines, i.e., malinvestment."
"The final outcome of the credit expansion is general impoverishment."
"The essence of a credit-expansion boom is not overinvestment, but investment in wrong lines, i.e., malinvestment."
"The final outcome of the credit expansion is general impoverishment."
Great blog, keep it up! By conducting a bailout with invented money the government is simply transforming personal and corporate debt into sovereign debt. This is like rolling your credit card debt into a bigger mortgage so that you can run up your credit cards again. America needs both a financial and a moral awakening.
America does indeed need a moral awakening. We could start be legalizing marriage.
"BY" legalizing marriage, I meant to say...
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