Zaving Kapitalism Eez Kool, Butt Than Whool Zave Uz Kapitalists?
I've always counted on two basic life lessons involving the allegory of ducks. The 'duck test' is a humorous term for a form of inductive reasoning. Although cliche', it is also a fully functioning smell-test. It can be explained this way: "If a bird looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck." There is also a lesser known but no less basic duck truism, stating that ducks, by design and default, make more ducks.
While the former may still hold water, the latter is now dead as Fred.
Some American ducks are busy making a type of platypus-like rodent-style fish travesty that has never been even remotely connected with any modern vision of the U.S. financial system. The U.S. government is now the biggest U.S. banker. The government is telling us that they had to nationalize banks in order to save capitalism. Really, that is what they are saying, they had to take ownership stakes in the largest banks in order to save capitalism. Anybody read George Orwell lately?
The making of a different duck...
Give everyone money and the value of all money is diminished. What will the next 'stimulus' look like? And while all eyes are on the Dow, there are other indicators we should be watching also, especially the loss of vast numbers of jobs in virtually every sector... starting now. This will be, without a doubt, an equal opportunity recession (note that 'anchor' Nichole Lapin is CNN's answer to Sarah Palin, only dumber, but I'm sure she's very nice)...
We should all remain optimistic that things will not stay bad forever. A great deal of data suggests that maintaining a positive attitude helps lower blood pressure, increase serenity, and enhance general well-being. That said, we should all hope for the best... and prepare for the worst...
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